
Showing posts from October 2, 2020

How do I start content writing?

  Introduction Most of the online user is seeing in blocking the way of the pop-up window. The pop-up window is allowed to show up the ad campaign or message during their net surfing. The advertisement cost is also increasing day by day. The small business has fewer resources, so, it's having difficulty to bear the increasing advertisement cost. These trends limit the scope of online advertisements to reach the customer. Businesses face problems of networking with customers without advertising. Hence, content marketing is emerging as a new tool for marketing. It facilitates business houses to convey their message to the targeted audience through the blog or webpage. So, to communicate with the targeted audience, they have to produce a clear and engaging message on their writings. If not, businesses can't achieve what they want from their customer.  Hub spot's research study concludes that 86 out of 100 businesses have increased their Return on Investment (ROI) by using a...